Online Marketing for Law Firms Made Easy

Marketing for any business online can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. When it comes to online marketing for lawyers, even the most capable of attorneys can be overwhelmed by the number of options and different strategies that are out there.

Whether you’re an attorney looking to gain some insight into website marketing for law firms or an experienced marketing professional looking to research more into the niche area of online marketing for law firms – this article has you covered. Keep reading to explore some legal marketing tips and tools to help you stand out from your competitors.

Digital Marketing For Attorneys

Content is king and there’s no exception when creating a website for lawyers. Proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is how many clients will find your firm’s website organically. To improve the local SEO of your firm’s website, be sure that the website copy includes keywords that target the geographic location that your firm services. For example, if you’re a real estate lawyer in Montana, make sure to include “Montana Real Estate Law” and any variations on this in the title, H1, and body text of your website.

As cell phones become more and more ubiquitous, your firm’s website must be optimized for mobile. Did you know that people search “personal injury lawyer” from their mobile device 550,000 times every month? If a user lands on a website for lawyers that isn’t mobile-friendly, odds are they will return to Google and visit your competitor’s website instead.

Law Firm Marketing Tips

There are a few elements that every website should have to have an optimized website marketing for law firms:

  • FAQ Page
  • Strong Calls-to-Action (CTA)
  • Blogs

FAQ pages are massively important for your online marketing strategy. The legal process is overwhelming to the majority of the general public. A well thought out FAQ page can answer visitor’s commonly asked questions; however, you can also use this page to include a lot of keywords that users are searching for on Google as well as legal technical terms.

Good CTAs invite and encourage your visitors to do what you want them to do on your website. This helps improve the conversion rate of your website by effectively telling them to “fill out a form” or “contact you today”. The best thing to do is figure out what action is the most important action you want visitors to take on your website. Once you know what that action is, make sure the process to do this action is quick and easy for your visitors.

Finally, blogging is one of the quickest and easiest ways to showcase your expertise and success stories. Certain legal practice areas change constantly (such as immigration law) and blogs can be a great way to help break down these changes to your visitors. Not only that, but blogs also make great content to be shared on your social media channels that drive traffic back to your website.

If you’re unsure about the best way to developing your website marketing for law firms and need expert guidance, look no further than The Marketer Attorney. Their marketing experts have the knowledge and passion to create bespoke digital marketing strategies for law firms and attorneys. Contact them today to discuss your law firm’s needs.